National Standards
National Standards for Teachers of Family and Consumer Science
National Association of Teacher Educators for Family and Consumer Sciences
The National Association for Teachers of Family and Consumer Sciences provides an overarching model of excellence for what a beginning teacher in family
and consumer sciences should know and be able to do. These standards are unique to
FCS teachers. In addition, the beginning FCS teacher has general education background
and meets overall professional education standards. As presented, the first four standards
focus on FCS content; the remaining six emphasize professional practice. In each of
these two groups, the standards are arranged alphabetically. The FCS process areas
of thinking, communication, leadership and management are incorporated throughout.
Across all 10 standards, the beginning FCS teacher demonstrates knowledge, skills
and attitudes to enable student learning.
Career, Community and Family Connections
Analyze family, community and work interrelationships; investigate career paths; examine family and consumer sciences careers; and apply career decision-making and transitioning processes. -
Consumer Economics and Family Resources
Use resources responsibly to address the diverse needs and goals of individuals, families and communities in family and consumer sciences areas such as resource management, consumer economics, financial literacy, living environments, and textiles and apparel. -
Family and Human Development
Apply principles of human development, interpersonal relationships and family to strengthen individuals and families across the lifespan in contexts such as parenting, caregiving and the workplace. -
Nutrition, Food, and Wellness
Promote nutrition, food and wellness practices that enhance individual and family well being across the lifespan and address related concerns in a global society. -
Curriculum Development
Develop, justify and implement curricula that address perennial and evolving family, career and community issues; reflect the integrative nature of family and consumer sciences; and integrate core academic areas. -
Instructional Strategies and Resources
Facilitate students' critical thinking and problem solving in family and consumer sciences through varied instructional strategies and technologies and through responsible management of resources in schools, communities and the workplace. -
Learning Environment
Create and implement a safe, supportive learning environment that shows sensitivity to diverse needs, values and characteristics of students, families and communities. -
Engage in ethical professional practice based on the history and philosophy of family and consumer sciences and career and technical education through civic engagement, advocacy and ongoing professional development. -
Student and Program Assessment
Assess, evaluate and improve student learning and programs in family and consumer sciences using appropriate criteria, standards and processes. -
Student Organization Integration
Integrate the Family, Career and Community Leaders of America student organization into the program to foster students' academic growth, application of family and consumer sciences content, leadership, service learning, and career development.