Additional Requirements for Spring, Senior Year and Licensure

Students accepted to the University of Arkansas are eligible for enrollment in the College of Education and Health Professions' Family and Consumer Sciences program.

  1. Students must have a cumulative grade-point average of 2.7 or higher to be admitted for the student teaching semester.
  2. Passing scores are required for Praxis II: Subject Matter before enrolling in CATE 4060X Teaching Internship (spring) and CATE 40502 Seminar Teaching Internship (spring).
  3. Students must successfully complete an internship admission interview" with Career and Technical Education faculty. These interviews are scheduled with all senior students in the fall semester during preregistration advising.

Note: All students seeking licensure in the state of Arkansas are subject to a criminal background check. Forms for this procedure may be obtained at 350 Graduate Education Building, at the state Department of Education or any police station, including the campus police. Arkansas will not certify anyone who has been convicted of a felony.

For more information about studies in Family and Consumer Sciences, contact:

Sheri Deaton