Education Specialist

Requirements for the Education Specialist (Ed.S.) Degree: The specialist degree program in Educational Leadership is designed primarily to provide professional preparation for students involved in school-site administration and those individuals who have districtwide administrative responsibilities.

The specialist degree program requires completion of a minimum of 30 graduate semester hours with the number of actual credit hours a function of the previous educational background of each student and his or her goals. At the completion of these courses for either the Ed.S. degree or the Certificate for District-Level Licensure, students are required to take EDLE 674V District-Level Internship. The six-month internship course requires a minimum of 20 hours per week for each week in each of the six months for a minimum total of 216 hours. The internship requires that a licensed practitioner practicing at either the P-8 or 7-12 grade levels serve as a mentor throughout the internship process. This mentor/student relationship is supervised by an Educational Leadership faculty member. The Educational Specialist degree in Educational Leadership requires a minimum 63 credit hours beyond the baccalaureate degree, with 30 hours in the M.Ed. degree plus 30 hours in the Ed.S. degree:

The minimum number of credits for the degree as stated in the Graduate School Catalog is thirty (30) graduate credits beyond the Master's degree (or equivalent). The number of actual credits required is a function of the previous educational background of each student and his or her goals. Some students with substantial and relevant study at the Master's level in Educational Leadership may complete the program with the minimum of thirty (30) graduate credits while others, especially those seeking to make a career change, may need substantially more work. In every case, the decision is left up to the student's advisor and committee.