2023 ESL Symposium

Partnering to Serve Multilingual Learners in Classrooms, Schools and Communities

Flyer for the 2023, 15th-annual ESL SymposiumUniversity of Arkansas 15th Annual ESL Symposium

9 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 25, 2023

The symposium is online. Fee: $25 for professionals, $15 for students. Flyer (PDF)

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The English as a Second Language Symposium is sponsored by the U of A College of Education and Health Professions.

Keynote Speakers

Patricia Morita-Mullaney, Ph.D.

Patricia Morita-Mullaney, Ph.D., associate professor of Language and Literacy, Purdue University

Dr. Morita-Mullaney is an associate professor of Bilingual Education at Purdue University. She is a teacher, coach, building and district administrator having worked in California, Arizona and Indiana. Dr. Morita-Mullaney has been instrumental in changing the Indiana language policy landscape for emergent bilinguals, leading to more robust licensure and training requirements for teachers of emergent bilinguals. Her research focuses on the intersection among language learning, gender and race and how this informs the identity acts of educators of bilingual students. She is working on narrative study on Lau v. Nichols (1974), the seminal Supreme Court case that ushered in bilingual education to the U.S.

Presentation: "Foregrounding Multilingual Learners: Educators at the Nexus of Creativity and Resistance" — This keynote describes how leadership of and with multilingual learners is a space of resistance and creativity. Teachers, coaches and administrators of multilingual learners are guided by their language identities, shaping the ways in which they lead within their school systems. Drawing from research and practice, Dr. Morita-Mullaney shares a framework for leadership that participants can use in their own contexts for their education of and for multilingual learners.

Richard Gómez Jr., Ph.D.

Richard Gómez Jr., Ph.D., co-creator of the Gómez and Gómez Dual Language Model

Dr. Gómez has been a professor for nine years at Texas Tech University in Lubbock as well as the University of Texas Rio Grande Valley. He has also served as Washington State's State Director for Bilingual and Migrant programs for five years. He has been elected to numerous education organizations such as president of the National Association of Directors for Migrant Education (NASDME) and of the Texas Association for Bilingual Education (TABE). Dr. Gómez is co-author of the Pearson - SAVVAS Spanish Reading Textbook (2020). He is best known for his co-creation of the Gómez and Gómez Dual Language System, which is now implemented in over 1,000 elementary and secondary schools across 13 states.

Presentation: "GT Instruction Is Good for ALL Children" — This keynote will provide participants with all the tools they need to utilize effectively paired learning and teaching in their classrooms. Come learn how to benefit from the "teacher-aides" you will create in your classroom. Participants will learn how to have students answer 95% of all lesson questions without teacher input. Effective Paired-Learning also means no copying from each other and equal participation by all students. Ample time will be provided for Q & A.


9-9:10 a.m. Welcoming remarks and symposium overview
9:10-10:10 Keynote I: "Foregrounding Multilingual Learners: Educators at the Nexus of Creativity and Resistance," Patricia Morita-Mullaney, Ph.D.
10:10-10:20 Break
10:20-11:20 Keynote II: "GT Instruction is Good for ALL Children," Richard Gómez Jr., Ph.D.
11:20-11:30 Break
11:30-12:30 p.m. Community resource panel

Community Partnership Panel

  • Gina Gómez, executive director, El Centro Hispano, Jonesboro, Arkansas
  • Rey Hernandez, former Arkansas director, League of United Latin American Citizens, and past president, LULAC Northwest Arkansas Council 754, Springdale
  • Srividya Venkatasubramanya, founder and executive director, Ra-Ve Cultural Foundation, Bentonville, Arkansas

For more information on the 15th annual ESL Symposium, please contact Diana Gonzales Worthen, Ph.D., Janet Penner-Williams, Ed.D., or Alissa Blair, Ph.D.